Read Online Confessions intimes French Edition eBook Collection Scandale

By Katelyn Bass on Saturday, June 8, 2019

Read Online Confessions intimes French Edition eBook Collection Scandale

Product details

  • File Size 630 KB
  • Print Length 128 pages
  • Publication Date March 5, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language French

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PDF Il modello della struttura bilingue articolo di Jurij Lotman Opere di Lotman Vol 1 Italian Edition eBook Bruno Osimo Jurij Lotman Bojana Murišić

By Katelyn Bass on Friday, June 7, 2019

PDF Il modello della struttura bilingue articolo di Jurij Lotman Opere di Lotman Vol 1 Italian Edition eBook Bruno Osimo Jurij Lotman Bojana Murišić

Product details

  • File Size 124 KB
  • Print Length 15 pages
  • Publisher Bruno Osimo (December 20, 2016)
  • Publication Date February 13, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

More aboutPDF Il modello della struttura bilingue articolo di Jurij Lotman Opere di Lotman Vol 1 Italian Edition eBook Bruno Osimo Jurij Lotman Bojana Murišić

Read Una historia de España / A History of Spain Spanish Edition Arturo PerezReverte Books

By Katelyn Bass

Read Una historia de España / A History of Spain Spanish Edition Arturo PerezReverte Books

Download As PDF : Una historia de España / A History of Spain Spanish Edition Arturo PerezReverte Books

Download PDF Una historia de Espa&ntildea / A History of Spain Spanish Edition Arturo PerezReverte Books

Por primera vez un volumen reúne la historia de España escrita por Arturo Pérez-Reverte durante más de cuatro años en su columna «Patente de corso» del XL Semanal.

 Un relato ameno, personal, a ratos irónico, pero siempre único, de nuestra accidentada historia a través de los siglos. Una obra concebida por el autor para, en palabras suyas, «divertirme, releer y disfrutar; un pretexto para mirar atrás desde los tiempos remotos hasta el presente, reflexionar un poco sobre ello y contarlo por escrito de una manera poco ortodoxa.»

A lo largo de los 91 capítulos más el epílogo de los que consta el libro, Arturo Pérez-Reverte narra los principales acontecimientos ocurridos desde los orígenes de nuestra historia y hasta el final de la Transición con una mirada subjetiva, construida con las dosis exactas de lecturas, experiencia y sentido común. «La misma mirada con que escribo novelas y artículos -dice el autor-; no la elegí yo, sino que es resultado de todas esas cosas la visión, ácida más a menudo que dulce, de quien, como dice un personaje de una de mis novelas, sabe que ser lúcido en España aparejó siempre mucha amargura, mucha soledad y mucha desesperanza.».- Arturo Pérez-Reverte


For the first time, one volume gathers the history of Spain as written by Arturo Pérez-Reverte over the course of more than four years in his “Patente de corso” (“Carte Blanche”) column for XL Semanal.

An entertaining, personal, and sometimes ironic but always unique tale of Spain’s turbulent history throughout the centuries. A work conceptualized by the author to, in his words, “entertain me, re-read and enjoy; a pretext for looking back through time from the very beginning until the present, reflecting a little about it, and telling it in writing in an unorthodox way.”

Throughout the 91 chapters plus the epilogue of the book, Arturo Pérez-Reverte narrates the main events from Spain’s origin and up through the end of the Transition with a subjective view, made up of precise measures of reading, experience, and common sense. “The same view with which I write novels and articles,” says the author, “... I didn’t choose it myself; it’s the result of all those things as one of my novel’s characters says it, it’s the vision, harsh yet frequently sweet, of someone who knows that being lucid in Spain has always entailed bitterness, loneliness, and despair.” -Arturo Pérez-Reverte

Read Una historia de España / A History of Spain Spanish Edition Arturo PerezReverte Books

"La agilidad y a veces humorístico relato de la Historia de España, esa Madre Patria que los hispanoamericanos admiramos y a veces no entendemos. Una nueva confirmación de que la madurez se alcanza después de una larga etapa de sufrimientos. Bravo Pérez Reverte!!"

Product details

  • Hardcover 264 pages
  • Publisher Alfaguara (June 25, 2019)
  • Language Spanish
  • ISBN-10 8420438170

Read Una historia de Espa&ntildea / A History of Spain Spanish Edition Arturo PerezReverte Books

Tags : Una historia de España / A History of Spain (Spanish Edition) (9788420438177) Arturo Perez-Reverte Books,Arturo Perez-Reverte,Una historia de España / A History of Spain (Spanish Edition),Alfaguara,8420438170,Fiction,GENERAL,General Adult,LITERARY COLLECTIONS / European / Spanish Portuguese,Spanish Adult Fiction,obra bibliografia de arturo perez reverte;apr;literatura espanolacontemporanea;historia de espana;novela historica de aventuraambientada en espana;articulos prensa periodicos suplemento;realacademia espanola;serie falco;xl semanal;zenda;zendalibros;eva;sabotaje;hombres buenos;las aventuras del capitan alatriste;la guerracivil espanola contada a los jovenes;reina del sur;spanish;short stories;portuguese;short story collections;long story short;book lovers gifts;book lover;short story anthology,obra bibliografia de arturo perez reverte; apr; literatura espanolacontemporanea; historia de espana; novela historica de aventuraambientada en espana; articulos prensa periodicos suplemento; realacademia espanola; serie falco; xl semanal; zenda; zendalibros; eva; sabotaje; hombres buenos; las aventuras del capitan alatriste; la guerracivil espanola contada a los jovenes; reina del sur; spanish; short stories; portuguese; short story collections; long story short; book lovers gifts; book lover; short story anthology

Una historia de España / A History of Spain Spanish Edition Arturo PerezReverte Books Reviews :

Una historia de España / A History of Spain Spanish Edition Arturo PerezReverte Books Reviews

  • Es una visita introspectiva de lo que significa, o lo que no significa, ser Espanol. Me lleno de lástima, congoja, coraje y si de muchas carcajadas las descripciones de APR. Nos demuestra la complicada historia Española y como su entorno creo nuestra manera de ser ("Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia"). Explica además porque la America Hispánica, es como es, al ser recipiente de las instituciones Españolas durante la Conquista. Hace unos días se completó la reciente votación en España y espero que prosigan con paso cierto la ruta que esta gran cultura se le presenta en la Historia.
    Muy recomendable!
  • Como todos los libros de Perez Reverte está escrito con mucha solvencia. En este caso que se trata de un libro de historia, para quienes nos dedicamos a esa disciplina en una gran fuente de información porque siempre está bien documentado. Aparte son muy buenas las recomendaciones de libros que él hace. La lectura se hace muy amena por el lenguaje irónico y por lo concreto de las ideas. En suma UN GRAN LIBRO !!!
  • La agilidad y a veces humorístico relato de la Historia de España, esa Madre Patria que los hispanoamericanos admiramos y a veces no entendemos. Una nueva confirmación de que la madurez se alcanza después de una larga etapa de sufrimientos. Bravo Pérez Reverte!!
  • In a short form the social forces of Spain evolution are explain. Interesting that MEXICO is facing some of the social issues that Spain use to face.
  • Perez Reverte offers us his own perspective on the history of Spain as an easy and entertaining read. Good book for someone who is looking to have a general idea about the Spaniards' historic journey and complex identity. Maybe even an incentive to delve into some of the rich moments and characters included in the book so readers can get their own perspective.
  • Un libro escrito en un lenguaje ameno y directo , muestra a los españoles tal como son y de los cuales heredamos muchas de nuestras características como chilenos.
  • Una excelente obra y una manera diferente de contarla.
  • Excelente libro, un relato ameno y profundo escrito en un lenguaje directo y actual, altamente recomendable. Autor con un tremendo sentido común.
More aboutRead Una historia de España / A History of Spain Spanish Edition Arturo PerezReverte Books

PDF Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto Italian Edition edition by Nicole Teso Literature Fiction eBooks

By Katelyn Bass

PDF Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto Italian Edition edition by Nicole Teso Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto Italian Edition edition by Nicole Teso Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto Italian Edition  edition by Nicole Teso Literature Fiction eBooks

«Una storia d’amore di quelle con la A maiuscola.»
Chi è davvero quell’uomo misterioso e perché conosce così tante cose di lei?

Mercy è una ragazza solare, sempre gentile e disponibile. Lavora in un supermercato e le piace riordinare scaffali e stare in mezzo alla gente. La sera del suo compleanno esce insieme alla sua migliore amica, Juls, per andare a festeggiare. Ballano, bevono e si divertono, ma a fine serata, nel parcheggio, vengono aggredite da due ragazzi conosciuti poco prima nel locale. La situazione sta per mettersi male, quando all’improvviso un misterioso uomo arriva a salvarle. Si scaraventa contro i due ragazzi e li mette in fuga. Mercy rimane folgorata dalla sua presenza, soprattutto perché l’uomo conosce il suo nome. Juls invita l’amica a non rimuginare sull’accaduto e a non interrogarsi sull’identità di quella persona sono salve e questa è l’unica cosa che conta. Dopo l’episodio le giornate trascorrono normali, ma Mercy non riesce a smettere di pensare all’uomo che le ha salvato la vita, fin quando, una sera, non se lo ritrova davanti. Chi è davvero quell’uomo misterioso e perché conosce così tante cose di lei?
Tutto ciò che so  di lui è che mi ha salvato la vita.
Per gli altri è solo una coincidenza.
Per me è destino.
Hanno scritto dei romanzi di Nicole Teso

«Chi di noi donne non ha mai sognato di essere salvata da qualcuno? Un eroe, un principe azzurro, un cavaliere misterioso. Ed è quello che succede a Mercy quando incontra per la prima volta Adam.»
«Un romanzo intrigante e che ti lascia con il fiato sospeso, assolutamente consigliato.» 
«Questo libro mi ha veramente stregata.»

Nicole Teso

è nata a San Donà di Piave nel 1996. Commessa di giorno e folle autrice di notte, ha esordito a soli diciannove anni,  autopubblicando il primo volume di una trilogia dark. Legge da quando è nata e scrive da quando le è stata messa una penna in mano. Ama qualsiasi genere di storia, purché intensa e popolata da protagonisti dall’animo oscuro. Nel tempo libero le piace fare shopping, viaggiare e nascondersi nei mondi immaginari creati dalla sua mente. Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto, precedentemente autopubblicato, è il suo primo romanzo edito dalla Newton Compton.

PDF Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto Italian Edition edition by Nicole Teso Literature Fiction eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 1141 KB
  • Print Length 326 pages
  • Publisher Newton Compton Editori (March 25, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 25, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto Italian Edition  edition by Nicole Teso Literature Fiction eBooks

Tags : Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto (Italian Edition) - edition by Nicole Teso. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto (Italian Edition).,ebook,Nicole Teso,Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto (Italian Edition),Newton Compton Editori

Il mio meraviglioso imprevisto Italian Edition edition by Nicole Teso Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :

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Ebook Homer A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Barbara Graziosi 9780199589944 Books

By Katelyn Bass

Ebook Homer A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Barbara Graziosi 9780199589944 Books

Download As PDF : Homer A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Barbara Graziosi 9780199589944 Books

Download PDF Homer A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Barbara Graziosi 9780199589944 Books

Homer's mythological tales of war and homecoming, the Iliad and the Odyssey, are widely considered to be two of the most influential works in the history of western literature. Yet their author, 'the greatest poet that ever lived' is something of a mystery. By the 6th century BCE, Homer had already become a mythical figure, and today debate continues as to whether he ever existed.

In this Very Short Introduction Barbara Graziosi considers Homer's famous works and their impact on readers throughout the centuries. She shows how the Iliad and the Odyssey benefit from a tradition of reading that spans well over two millennia, stemming from ancient scholars at the library of Alexandria, in the third and second centuries BCE, who wrote some of the first commentaries on the Homeric epics. Summaries of these scholars' notes made their way into the margins of Byzantine manuscripts; from Byzantium the annotated manuscripts travelled to Italy; and the ancient notes finally appeared in the first printed editions of Homer, eventually influencing our interpretation of Homer's work today. Along the way, Homer's works have inspired artists, writers, philosophers, musicians, playwrights, and film-makers. Exploring the main literary, historical, cultural, and archaeological issues at the heart of Homer's narratives, Graziosi analyses the enduring appeal of Homer and his iconic works.

ABOUT THE SERIES The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.

This book was previously published in hardback as Homer.

Ebook Homer A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Barbara Graziosi 9780199589944 Books


Product details

  • Series Very Short Introductions
  • Paperback 144 pages
  • Publisher Oxford University Press; Reprint edition (May 28, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0199589941

Read Homer A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Barbara Graziosi 9780199589944 Books

Tags : Homer A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) [Barbara Graziosi] on . Homer's mythological tales of war and homecoming, the <em>Iliad</em> and the <em>Odyssey</em>, are widely considered to be two of the most influential works in the history of western literature. Yet their author,Barbara Graziosi,Homer A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions),Oxford University Press,0199589941,General Adult,Great Britain/British Isles,HISTORY / Ancient / Greece,HISTORY / General,History,History/World,Monograph Series, any,Non-Fiction,UNIVERSITY PRESS

Homer A Very Short Introduction Very Short Introductions Barbara Graziosi 9780199589944 Books Reviews :

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PDF Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place Canadian ed Spencer Sekyer

By Katelyn Bass

PDF Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place Canadian ed Spencer Sekyer

Download As PDF : Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place Canadian ed Spencer Sekyer

Download PDF Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place Canadian ed Spencer Sekyer

An inspiring and uplifting memoir about one small-town teacher’s eye-opening travels around the world and his relentless efforts to rescue a chimp in danger.

As a child, Spencer Sekyer’s world was a simple one. He grew up in a small town, where many of his days were spent hunting in the woods and pursuing his dream of becoming a professional athlete. But when his athletic career ended, he found himself seeking new goals.

Spencer returned to school and became a teacher. Realizing he still had much to learn about the world, Spencer set out to explore its most dangerous areas. He traveled to Sierra Leone to volunteer in a local school, followed by trips to the West Bank, Afghanistan, and Haiti. Each time, Spencer returned home a little wiser, a little more emotionally mature, and a little more ready to give back to a world that had given him so much.

In Duhok, Kurdistan, Spencer’s journey took a new turn. After stumbling into a local zoo, Spencer formed an unlikely bond with Manno, a young chimpanzee who had been kidnapped from his family in central Africa and sold into captivity. Determined to get Manno back to his home, Spencer began to investigate the shadowy, dangerous world of global animal trafficking. Facing resistance at every turn, and with ISIS closing in on Duhok, Spencer finally set in motion an international effort to get his friend to safety, before it was too late.

Bursting with compassion, inspiration, and courage, Saving Manno is a testament to the fact that every one of us has the power to change lives and make the world a better place.

PDF Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place Canadian ed Spencer Sekyer

"Love this book!! You don't have to be an animal lover to be inspired by this wonderful story. The insights not only into animal behavior but human behavior are fascinating. I laughed and cried and found myself cheering for this little chimp and Spencer. The author's vulnerability and honesty in writing this story makes it for an incredible read."

Product details

  • File Size 46921 KB
  • Print Length 224 pages
  • Publisher Simon & Schuster; Canadian ed. edition (April 2, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 2, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place Canadian ed Spencer Sekyer

Tags : Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place - edition by Spencer Sekyer. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place.,ebook,Spencer Sekyer,Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place,Simon Schuster,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Educators,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Environmentalists Naturalists,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Biography Autobiography/Environmentalists Naturalists,Biography Autobiography/Personal Memoirs,Biography/Autobiography,DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL,GENERAL,General Adult,NATURE / Animals / Primates,Nature/Animals - Primates,Non-Fiction,PRIMATES,Personal Memoir,TEACHING,United States,chimpanzee; chimp; Kenya; Kurdistan; Iraq; Afghanistan; Sierra Leone; West Bank; Middle East; Spencer Sekyer; Jane Goodall; sanctuary; animal trafficking; zoo; animal welfare; animal rescue; teacher; student; best memoirs by teachers; best travel memoirs; Manno; international memoirs; animal; Marley and Me; Finding Gobi; Jane Goodall Institute; Temple Grandin; What the Dog Knows,chimpanzee; chimp; Kenya; Kurdistan; Iraq; Afghanistan; Sierra Leone; West Bank; Middle East; Spencer Sekyer; Jane Goodall; sanctuary; animal trafficking; zoo; animal welfare; animal rescue; teacher; student; best memoirs by teachers; best travel memoirs; Manno; international memoirs; animal; Marley and Me; Finding Gobi; Jane Goodall; Jane Goodall Institute; Temple Grandin; What the Dog Knows,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Educators,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Environmentalists Naturalists,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs,Biography Autobiography/Environmentalists Naturalists,Biography Autobiography/Personal Memoirs,NATURE / Animals / Primates,Nature/Animals - Primates

Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place Canadian ed Spencer Sekyer Reviews :

Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place Canadian ed Spencer Sekyer Reviews

  • Love this book!! You don't have to be an animal lover to be inspired by this wonderful story. The insights not only into animal behavior but human behavior are fascinating. I laughed and cried and found myself cheering for this little chimp and Spencer. The author's vulnerability and honesty in writing this story makes it for an incredible read.
  • The story of a man employed as a social studies teacher in Canada who set out to experience the world and share his insights with his students. He had met his soul mate while walking his beloved dog in the park and they bonded over their love for their pets. His wife supported him emotionally as he set out to volunteer as a teacher overseas in impoverished and war-torn spots, and she even did some separate volunteer work herself in Uganda. Spencer Sekyer spent time teaching in Sierra Leone, Afghanistan and as a veterinary assistant in Kurdistan.

    In Sierra Leone, he managed to bring healthy running water to the school area along with a laptop and internet service. In Kabul, Afghanistan he adopted a stray dog and her puppies he found in a ditch, bringing them home to Canada. His most prolonged and heart-wrenching task started when he met a young chimpanzee, Manno, in a zoo in Kurdistan. He immediately bonded with the chimp, and his deep compassion and love for the animal led to a four-year struggle to save the animal and to remove him in a sanctuary in Africa to live out his life in a natural setting with other animals of the same species. It concerned the author that Manno was sleeping alone in a cage, was isolated from others of his kind, and that ISIS armies were quite close to the area.

    The author is an inspiration, showing that although one person alone cannot change the world, everyone through compassion and dedication can make small changes for the better. His example hopefully will inspire his students and readers of this book to find ways to make small changes at home or abroad. If more people were like Mr. Sekyer the world would not see so many animal species becoming extinct, and more school children would be inspired to take a greater interest in the world and ways they could help even in their own communities. As a teacher, and in his actions he serves as a role model.

    It was apparent while reading this book that Mr.Sekyer has an inordinate empathy for animals. His emotions swung from extremes of very deep lows of sorrow to high levels of joy marked by obsessiveness, (but with admirable and good results). We learn of the horror of the illegal business of trafficking in the illegal trade of exotic animals for huge sums of money. He describes his many journeys to Kurdistan to deal with government bureaucracy in his long goal to bring Manno to Kenya for Manno to finally bond with his new family of rescued chimpanzees in a Kenya sanctuary.

    It was unclear to me how he obtained funding for all his trips overseas and back to his family in Canada. I thought the book would be more enriched by including photos of himself with his family and pets, schools and zoos where he worked abroad, and with some of Manno.

    Many thanks to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for this remarkable and memorable book.
  • Review Saving Manno is Spencer Sekyer's record of the process he went through, ending in 2013, in order to get young Chimp Manno moved from a private zoo in Duhok, Kurdistan into a refuge before he reaches adulthood. Adult Chimps are impossible to rescue. And politics in the Iraq/Turkey/Seria borders are very volatile - getting permission from everyone involved is going to be also almost impossible. But it is something Sekyer is compelled to do.

    Spencer Sekyer is a high school social studies teacher working in Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada who spends his summers, beginning in 2008, doing volunteer work in third world countries, usually with a school system hosting him as he teaches special classes. His introduction to the intricate process of rescue began in 2009 in Kabal, Afghanistan. Spencer Sekyer met Emma, a large white dog living on the streets and trying to feed herself and her 9 pups. It took a lot of time and money and much help from locals, but Spencer was able to rescue Emma and eventually all of her pups, bringing them into good homes in Canada. But Emma was a walk in the park, compared to a rescue for Manno.

    I received a free electronic copy of this memoir from Netgalley, Spencer Sekyer, and Simon Schuster. Reading this book was my pleasure, and this review is my honest opinion of this work.
  • Really enjoyed it. Great read of Spencer's travels and his quest to save the Manno the Chimp from the Duhok zoo.
More aboutPDF Saving Manno What a Baby Chimp Taught Me About Making the World a Better Place Canadian ed Spencer Sekyer

PDF The Heart Series edition by Shari J Ryan Literature Fiction eBooks

By Katelyn Bass

PDF The Heart Series edition by Shari J Ryan Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 2782 KB
  • Print Length 686 pages
  • Publication Date July 10, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

The Heart Series edition by Shari J Ryan Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

  • I fell in love with A Heart of Time and all of the characters of the emotional, heartbreaking and uplifting journey. I especially loved A.J.'s character, so when I found out he was getting his own book in A Missing Heart I was so excited to read! That book blew me away as well, it was a rough and bumpy ride for him but so worth the pain!! Last but not least we got Ari's story - such a beautiful addition to hear her side of things from AHoT and I absolutely loved it!! I highly recommend this series, Shari J. Ryan takes you on such an incredible journey that you don't want to miss.
  • Tears, Love and Hope. That is what the pages of this series bring to the reader. Each story takes you on a journey not unlike the one before, yet they are different in so many ways. Hunter, AJ and Violet all have broken hearts that need to heal. The love, hard times and the loss they all have to traverse makes them stronger in the end. I can't say enough good things about these stories. I am not a reader of books that make you cry but these are stories I could and have read multiple times. Through the tears, love shines, smiles grow and you know that with hope, anything is possible.
  • This series is so very aptly named! My heart broke and over and over again. Right now it’s torn in two. It will take some time to be mended. I cried in sadness several times but through the sorrow my tears turned to joy. My breath was also caught up in all the beauty. This series had all the feels! Five beautiful stars.
  • ***A Heart of Time (BK #1)***
    This book jumps right in and captures your heart, and never lets go! We are introduced to Hunter and Ellie experiencing what is supposed to be one of the most joyous events new parents can have. Unfortunately tragedy strikes and Hunter is left heartbroken and alone to raise his newborn daughter, Olive. Ms. Ryan skillfully channeled the struggle Hunter warred with, being both grief-stricken by the loss of his wife and the joy and love he felt for the piece of her left behind in their daughter, allowing us to experience those emotions in earnest.
    The story then picks up 5 years later as Hunter and Olive prepare for her first day of kindergarten. Olive is a sweet and precocious little girl who will steal your heart. Hunter is a wonderful father but is still mourning the loss of the woman he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with. The pain of her death has been kept fresh for the past 5 yrs every time he receives an anonymous letter of thanks from the recipient of her heart through the organ donor program. Hunter has a great support system from his brother and parents but he has lost his will to be happy. Hunter finally meets a woman who catches his attention and gives him a glimmer of hope and joy. But as secrets begin to surface and are slowly revealed he becomes even more angry and confused. This story is a heartbreaking yet hopeful journey of love and healing. All the characters are authentic and organic and their actions are honest and believable. This story is so beautiful, raw and poignant, it will have you laughing, crying, and every emotion in between.

    ***A Missing Heart (Bk #2)***
    This emotional story follows AJ Cole, Hunters carefree and funny brother who we first met in A Heart of Time. It begins 12 years previously showing a young AJ excited to make life plans with his girlfriend, Cammy, the love of his life. When plans don't go as he'd hoped, he is devastated and heartbroken. He tries to move on with his life and it has never been easy. Fast forward to the present and he is struggling to take care of his young son and current wife, Tori. After one failed marriage, Aj is determined to make this one work. AJ is not himself, he never jokes around anymore, barely sleeps and is frustrated with Tori as she becomes more disconnected from him and their son. She never wanted children and is very secretive about why and about her past. But AJ has his own secrets he wants to keep buried, which makes it hard to confront Tori about hers. When AJ's secrets come to light, he has a second chance to reconnect with those he thought he lost forever. But how can he make everyone happy, including himself when he feels so much guilt over his mistakes? The issues Ms Ryan tackled have no easy answers or solutions. She did a fabulous job showing empathy for each character and their struggles. This story is a heartbreaking yet hopeful journey of love and healing. All the characters are authentic and organic and their actions are honest and believable even if you don't agree with them. I loved how Ms Ryan told this story going back and forth from past events to present. It allowed us to really connect and care for AJ and Cammy and understand their connection and decisions. This story is so raw, poignant, and heartbreakingly beautiful. I highly recommend this book!

    ***A Change of Heart (Bk #3)***
    This is Ari's emotional story that runs parallel with Hunter's story in A Heart of Time. Ari lives with guilt and sorrow over the hand she was dealt and the consequences of a gift she never expected. She tries to pay back for the time she was given and learns to focus on others pain and healing which brings her a measure of peace when she makes those connections. This is a short and emotional story that is a great addition to this series.

    Ms Ryan makes us feel deeply for these characters, caring about what is happening in their lives, and wanting the very best for them. It doesn't always have the outcome we want, which isn't a bad thing, but it is honest and totally satisfying. If you want to really feel every emotion from joy to sorrow and everything in between, then you will definitely love this series!
  • Hunter and Ellie met on their first day of kindergarten. They grew up best friends, fell in love, and got married. So excited for the birth of their first child, a daughter. Hunter never saw his life changing in the blink of an eye. Ellie was hiding secrets. Huge secrets that she didn't share with Hunter. She's gone now and someone else is carrying her heart because that's what Ellie wanted.

    A Heart Of Time is not just a book, it's an experience. An experience that is equal parts sorrow and joy. I am not going into much detail about the story at all. I hadn't even read the synopsis when I was asked to read A Heart Of Time. I went in pretty much blind but knew I was in for an emotional rollercoaster after the first chapter. This book is filled with such strong characters all with different experiences and at different points in their lives. Their a great support system to Hunter and Olive. I found Olive to be the sweetest wisest little girl. I fell in love with so many people in this book. It's a book you just simply know is going to stick win you for years to come. I'm sure it will affect each reader differently. It's a beautiful journey of self discovery, recovery, life throwing you the worst hand possible, and love.

    Change Of Heart

    In a Change of Heart you get Ari's story. If you have read her book A Heart Of Time, you know exact. Shari Ryan has written this story so well that those of us who fell in love with Ari or even if you have no idea who Ari is you will be able to follow along with no problem. This story is absolutely amazing and had me in tears even though I was well aware of what was going to be coming my way.

    A Missing Heart

    AJ has made mistakes in his life. He keeps his past to himself and found a woman who wanted to keep hers hidden too. It was like the universe was putting them together. Turns out thought the universe had nothing to do with it at all. She has a past AJ should have known about from the very beginning. He keeps trying to save her but his wife is self-destructive. She clearly has a plan that AJ should never have been a part of. But now their pasts have come into the spotlight causing the present to change me crashing down on top of them. Will either of them be able to walk away in one piece?

    If you have read A Heart Of Time you know that AJ Cole is Hunter's brother. You do not however have have read A Heart Of Time to read A Missing Heart. When I started this book the first chapter already had me an emotional mess and ready to just slap the crap out of Cammy who you will learn is AJ's high school girlfriend. He had a plan. He was willing to put aside everything for her and their situation. She totally blew that up and in the process I feel broke both of their hearts in ways it would be impossible to recover from. With that said I knew I was in for it. That emotional kind of read that pulls you so deeply into a book you eat sleep and breathe it. Fast forward some years and your in the present with AJ and his wife Tori and their newborn son. I love how Shari Ryan took us on the journey of AJ through alternating chapters of the past and present. Your actually getting two stories in one book. I'm a firm believer in our past shapes us into the people we become in the future and Shari Ryan has done an amazing job of illustrating this point.

    Tori and AJ are not without their problems. She's hiding a serious mental disorder from him. She never planned on getting pregnant with their son when she did. Just like she didn't deal with a past that left her damaged and now a danger to not only herself but her son. AJ, all the while, is trying his hardest to help her but not fulling knowing what is really going on. He loves his son so much and I loved seeing him as a father. He's a playboy and so carefree it seemed in A Heart Of Time that this side of AJ just made me fall more in love with him. Im not so much a Tori fan but you too will see why. A Missing Heart has all the pieces of a great contemporary romance read. Your getting no more out of me of the plot or twists and turns in this book. You'll have to experience it for yourself.

    Shari Ryan never fails to suck me in and wring out every single emotion I have while I am reading her books. She never fails to surprise me either. One thing I know for certain is Shari Ryan always creates these worlds and characters your don't want to leave. They stick with you. Their like coming home to old friends once you know their stories. This is why I love to read Shari Ryan's books.
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Download Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass 9781503287273 Books

By Katelyn Bass

Download Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass 9781503287273 Books

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Download PDF Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass 9781503287273 Books

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is an 1845 memoir and treatise on abolition written by famous orator and former slave Frederick Douglass. It is generally held to be the most famous of a number of narratives written by former slaves during the same period. In factual detail, the text describes the events of his life and is considered to be one of the most influential pieces of literature to fuel the abolitionist movement of the early 19th century in the United States.

Download Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass 9781503287273 Books

"I cheaped out buying this version of this magnificent book. After reading about 3/4 of it and wondering what the heck was going on with the vocabulary and usage of the English language, I went in search of a paper copy at my local library. Now, either all the other legit editions out there have glossed over the strange and colorful usages of language, or there is something fishy about this edition. I have to say that reading it this way gave me new ways to think about the content itself, but ultimately I found the usages distracting and odd enough that they didn't ring true. I would love any insight anyone might have about this edition. How did it come into being? If you are looking for an authoritative text, spend the extra ten bucks and get the other version."

Product details

  • Paperback 72 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 1, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1503287270

Read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass 9781503287273 Books

Tags : Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass [Frederick Douglass] on . Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is an 1845 memoir and treatise on abolition written by famous orator and former slave Frederick Douglass. It is generally held to be the most famous of a number of narratives written by former slaves during the same period. In factual detail,Frederick Douglass,Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1503287270,Classics,Biographies Memoirs / Memoirs,BIOGRAPHY AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Cultural, Ethnic Regional / Native American Aboriginal,Biography / Autobiography,Classic fiction (pre c 1945),FICTION / Classics,FICTION / Historical / General,Fiction,Fiction-Classics,Fiction/Classics,General Adult,Literature/Classics,Literature Classics,PRINT ON DEMAND,Biography Autobiography / Native Americans,Political Science / Human Rights

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass 9781503287273 Books Reviews :

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass 9781503287273 Books Reviews

  • This autobiography was assigned to me when I was a junior in high school. Three years later, as a sophomore in college, I was asked to read the book again for my class on Black Thought and Literature. I wish that I had taken the time to slow down and analyze Frederick Douglass' narrative from a literal, analytical, and figurative perspective. Had I done that the first time around—as opposed to treating the book as another required reading that I needed to speed-read through—I believe that my understanding would have been more in-depth and meaningful. The emotion and conviction with which the author writes is not only poetic and moving, but captivating as well. The imagery, combined with Douglass' views on religion's role in the enslavement of black bodies, masterfully paints a story that (in combination with other narratives) has, unfortunately, been lost throughout time. In fact, many Black writers during this period refused to publish their experiences for fear that they will be caught and returned to slavery. In other cases, some writers used pen names to add some anonymity to their experiences. Nevertheless, such works should be cherished and valued; for they allow us to gain a better understanding of how far our society has come, and how much more needs to be done to ensure a future where everyone is equal (in the truest sense of the word).
  • This is the edition close to the original. Be careful as many other editions are out with additional opinions by modern "interpreters". This book, from the original author, needs no added opinions or editorials.
  • Still quite a moving read more than 150 years after it was written. I am not yet 50 years old, yet I have seen in my own lifetime the unreasonable attitude that has somehow been passed down over time to this generation. Several times, I have seen my very own friends mistreated because they are black. It stems from a lack of compassion, grown out of fear or ignorance. I recommend this book as a most important read for our adolescent children, no matter what their racial or cultural surroundings have taught them.

  • Good read. It took me a little less than 2 weeks to read this book. I only read it on the train to and from work so when I did finish it I had mixed feelings. I wanted to know more about his life once he was finally in the free state. He didn't explain how he navigated through the slave states to reach his final destination. He gave his reasons. Understandable for the time which was before emancipation but I was still curious and looking forward to reading about that. Also at the end he says he sent for his wife...She wasn't mentioned throughout the entire book then she pops up. Where and when did they meet? I'm really nip picking but overall a very good read. I definitely took advantage of the dictionary that was available on Unlimited. This guys vocabulary was crazy also some words we just don't use in today's world. Looking for another book to get lost in.
  • This book was one of the most heart rending, stirring narratives I have ever read. I now live in Frederick Douglas country close by where he was born... Frederick Douglas is a profoundly gifted writer that tells his story in a way that is poetic. This book gave me an even greater appreciation for all he endured, for all he overcame and lived through and for what he became! What an inspirational story that helps us all appreciate the life he lived and the impact he has had on millions of people! EXCELLENT read. Now I am on to the later, longer version of his writings.
  • I cheaped out buying this version of this magnificent book. After reading about 3/4 of it and wondering what the heck was going on with the vocabulary and usage of the English language, I went in search of a paper copy at my local library. Now, either all the other legit editions out there have glossed over the strange and colorful usages of language, or there is something fishy about this edition. I have to say that reading it this way gave me new ways to think about the content itself, but ultimately I found the usages distracting and odd enough that they didn't ring true. I would love any insight anyone might have about this edition. How did it come into being? If you are looking for an authoritative text, spend the extra ten bucks and get the other version.
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Ebook Programmer avec Java Concepts fondamentaux et mise en oeuvre par l'exemple collection O'Reilly French Edition eBook Ben EVANS David FLANAGAN

By Katelyn Bass

Ebook Programmer avec Java Concepts fondamentaux et mise en oeuvre par l'exemple collection O'Reilly French Edition eBook Ben EVANS David FLANAGAN

Download As PDF : Programmer avec Java Concepts fondamentaux et mise en oeuvre par l'exemple collection O'Reilly French Edition eBook Ben EVANS David FLANAGAN

Download PDF Programmer avec Java  Concepts fondamentaux et mise en oeuvre par l&#39exemple  collection O&#39Reilly French Edition eBook Ben EVANS David FLANAGAN

Un best-seller US enfin traduit en France

Ce livre est destiné à éléver l'expérience de tout programmeur Java 7 et 8 à un niveau d'excellence. Rempli d'exemples de programmes mettant en oeuvre les toutes dernières APIs Java et donnant des principes de programmation afin d'optimiser l'écriture et l'exécution du code Java, il deviendra vite indispensable à tout programmeur digne de ce nom.

Au programme

Les changements apportés par Java 8

Apprentissage de la programmation orientée objet en utilisant la syntaxe de base de Java

Explorations des énumerations, des annotations, and des expressions lambda

Les techniques de bases à mettre en oeuvre dans la conception orientée objet design

Gestion optimale de la mémoire

Les formats de données

les derniéres APIs d'E/S, et les canaux asynchrones

Utiliser Nashorn pour exécuter JavaScript sur une machine virtuelle Java

Se familiariser avec l'OpenJDK

Collection O'Reilly

Ebook Programmer avec Java Concepts fondamentaux et mise en oeuvre par l'exemple collection O'Reilly French Edition eBook Ben EVANS David FLANAGAN


Product details

  • File Size 1872 KB
  • Print Length 738 pages
  • Publisher First Interactive (March 28, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 28, 2019
  • Language French

Read Programmer avec Java  Concepts fondamentaux et mise en oeuvre par l&#39exemple  collection O&#39Reilly French Edition eBook Ben EVANS David FLANAGAN

Tags : Buy Programmer avec Java - Concepts fondamentaux et mise en oeuvre par l'exemple - collection O'Reilly (French Edition) Read Reviews - ,ebook,Ben EVANS, David FLANAGAN,Programmer avec Java - Concepts fondamentaux et mise en oeuvre par l'exemple - collection O'Reilly (French Edition),First Interactive,COMPUTERS / Programming / General

Programmer avec Java Concepts fondamentaux et mise en oeuvre par l'exemple collection O'Reilly French Edition eBook Ben EVANS David FLANAGAN Reviews :

More aboutEbook Programmer avec Java Concepts fondamentaux et mise en oeuvre par l'exemple collection O'Reilly French Edition eBook Ben EVANS David FLANAGAN

PDF Das amerikanische Museum 9783854765899 Books

By Katelyn Bass

PDF Das amerikanische Museum 9783854765899 Books

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_feature_div" class="feature" data-feature-name="bookDescription">

PDF Das amerikanische Museum 9783854765899 Books


Product details

  • Paperback
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3854765894

Read Das amerikanische Museum 9783854765899 Books

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Read Star Wars Battlefront II L'escouade Inferno 9782266294690 Books

By Katelyn Bass

Read Star Wars Battlefront II L'escouade Inferno 9782266294690 Books

Download As PDF : Star Wars Battlefront II L'escouade Inferno 9782266294690 Books

Download PDF Star Wars Battlefront II L&#39escouade Inferno 9782266294690 Books

_feature_div" class="feature" data-feature-name="bookDescription">

Read Star Wars Battlefront II L'escouade Inferno 9782266294690 Books


Product details

  • Mass Market Paperback
  • Publisher Pocket (April 25, 2019)
  • Language French
  • ISBN-10 2266294695

Read Star Wars Battlefront II L&#39escouade Inferno 9782266294690 Books

Tags : Star Wars Battlefront II L'escouade Inferno on . ,Star Wars Battlefront II L'escouade Inferno,Pocket,2266294695

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PDF Polen Die Eingegliederten Ostgebiete August 1941 1945 German Edition Ingo Loose 9783110364972 Books

By Katelyn Bass on Thursday, June 6, 2019

PDF Polen Die Eingegliederten Ostgebiete August 1941 1945 German Edition Ingo Loose 9783110364972 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover
  • Publisher Walter de Gruyter; Bilingual edition (December 1, 2017)
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3110364972

More aboutPDF Polen Die Eingegliederten Ostgebiete August 1941 1945 German Edition Ingo Loose 9783110364972 Books

Read Tolkien Calendar 2020 J R R Tolkien 9780062959768 Books

By Katelyn Bass

Ebook Wherever You Go There You Are Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life Jon KabatZinn 8601400083956 Books

Download As PDF : Wherever You Go There You Are Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life Jon KabatZinn 8601400083956 Books

Download PDF Wherever You Go There You Are Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life Jon KabatZinn 8601400083956 Books

When Wherever You Go, There You Are was first published in 1994, no one could have predicted that the book would launch itself onto bestseller lists nationwide and sell over 750,000 copies to date. Ten years later, the book continues to change lives. In honor of the book's 10th anniversary, Hyperion is proud to be releasing the book with a new afterword by the author, and to share this wonderful book with an even larger audience.

Ebook Wherever You Go There You Are Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life Jon KabatZinn 8601400083956 Books

"I was looking for a refresher on mindfulness and a text to help guide me deeper into the practice. I can say this book delivered on both fronts. The chapters tend to be short and easy to read. Much of it comes across like listening to a talk from a great professor that leaves the technical details for the reading assignments. Using that as a metaphor, "Wherever you go, there you are" is the warm lecture from a caring teacher. "Full Catastrophe Living" (his more scientific and serious book) is the full corpus of research and exercises and concepts underlying the teacher's lecture.

Much like in college, you can skip the lecture if you master the corpus, but it's best to do both of you can. That said, anyone looking to really understand the methodology behind mindfulness and how it can be applied in a secular way to the suffering of the human condition, must read the aforementioned "Full Catastrophe Living". It's absolutely essential as the single book I would recommend to anyone for learning how to approach working with the present moment in ways that encourage insight and healing.

This book "Wherever you go , there you are" is nice but it won't provide the depth of instruction for practice as used in the medical setting or the science behind the mechanisms that make mindfulness so effective for many people."

Product details

  • Paperback 304 pages
  • Publisher Hachette Books; 10 edition (January 5, 2005)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9781401307783
  • ISBN-13 978-1401307783
  • ASIN 1401307787

Read Wherever You Go There You Are Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life Jon KabatZinn 8601400083956 Books

Tags : Wherever You Go, There You Are Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life [Jon Kabat-Zinn] on . When <em>Wherever You Go, There You Are</em> was first published in 1994, no one could have predicted that the book would launch itself onto bestseller lists nationwide and sell over 750,Jon Kabat-Zinn,Wherever You Go, There You Are Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life,Hachette Books,1401307787,T-A67244,SEL019000,Buddhism - General,Death, Grief, Bereavement,Meditations,Attention,Attention.,Meditation,Meditation - Therapeutic use,Meditation.,Mind and body,Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy,Attention,Attention.,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Mindfulness Meditation,BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY,Buddhism - General,Buddhism - Rituals Practice,Buddhist worship, rites ceremonies,CONSCIOUSNESS,Death, Grief, Bereavement,GENERAL,General Adult,HEALTH FITNESS / Alternative Therapies,How-to/Do-it-yourself,Meditation,Meditation - Therapeutic use,Meditation.,Meditations,Mind and body,Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy,Non-Fiction,RELIGION / Buddhism / General (see also PHILOSOPHY / Buddhist),Religion - World Religions,Religion/Buddhism - Rituals Practice,SELF-HELP / Death, Grief, Bereavement,SELF-HELP / Meditations,SELF-HELP / Self-Management / Stress Management,Self Help,Self-Help,Self-Help / General,Self-Help / Stress Management,Self-Help/Self-Management - Stress Management,Self-Management - Stress Management,United States,mindfulness; meditation; how to meditate; wherever you go there you are; coming to our senses; buddhism; buddhist; healthy meditation; Bob Roth; Strength in Stillness; Transcendental Meditation; Jerry Seinfeld; Ray Diallo; Oprah Winfrey; Focused Attention; Open Monitoring; Self-Transcending; tm,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Mindfulness Meditation,Buddhism - Rituals Practice,HEALTH FITNESS / Alternative Therapies,RELIGION / Buddhism / General (see also PHILOSOPHY / Buddhist),Religion/Buddhism - Rituals Practice,SELF-HELP / Death, Grief, Bereavement,SELF-HELP / Meditations,SELF-HELP / Self-Management / Stress Management,Self-Help / General,Self-Help / Stress Management,Self-Help/Self-Management - Stress Management,Self-Management - Stress Management,Religion - World Religions,Buddhist Philosophy,Consciousness,Self-Help,Psychology,Buddhist worship, rites ceremonies

Wherever You Go There You Are Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life Jon KabatZinn 8601400083956 Books Reviews :

Wherever You Go There You Are Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life Jon KabatZinn 8601400083956 Books Reviews

  • Jon Kabat-Zinn's book Wherever You Go, There You Are is about mindfulness. According to the author, "Mindfulness means paying attention [to the world] in a particular way on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally." That sentence seems a little obscure, and whenever I've attempted to explain mindfulness or meditation to friends, it's as though I can never make myself clear and they still walk away thinking it's all hokum. In spite of my inability to make it totally clear by definition, maybe I could illustrate it using some examples that Kabat-Zinn would probably approve of.

    Take any given moment your in. I take it that you're sitting down somewhere right now reading this review. Focus on your breath. Notice how unaware of your own breathing you were before. Now, while reading this, expand the focus from your breath to the sensation of your body, your bottom against your seat perhaps, or the way the tip of your nose might feel cold or hot. Further expand the field of awareness to the sounds around you. Maybe you hear noise from other people. Maybe you hear nothing except the sound of your own breathing.

    Project this mode of being aware into another setting. Perhaps you're at work, and someone is telling you how to do something. You might feel seeds of resentment growing inside you, asking the question in your mind how it is this person has the gall to tell you how do so something. You might feel personally attacked, a little nervous, your breath unsteady. Be aware of these sensations. Don't fight against them. But also listen to what the person says, as much as possible, without judgment. Is what this person is saying really a personal attack? Probably not. And if it is, does it really matter? Does he or she have control of your mind such that he could actually make you feel one way or another? Not if you choose to respond to it in a peaceful, proactive way and just take it for what it is, without judgment.

    Maybe the above two paragraphs don't do it for you. Or maybe they do. The important thing is that mindfulness is about being aware and awake, and about choosing to make peace with the way you feel and the way you interact with the world. If you want to, you can always feel swept around by the winds of desire, or pulled around by anger or intense emotion as though there were a brass ring in your nose. Those are always options. But it's also another option to choose to practice inner tranquility. This is what this book is about.
  • I was looking for a refresher on mindfulness and a text to help guide me deeper into the practice. I can say this book delivered on both fronts. The chapters tend to be short and easy to read. Much of it comes across like listening to a talk from a great professor that leaves the technical details for the reading assignments. Using that as a metaphor, "Wherever you go, there you are" is the warm lecture from a caring teacher. "Full Catastrophe Living" (his more scientific and serious book) is the full corpus of research and exercises and concepts underlying the teacher's lecture.

    Much like in college, you can skip the lecture if you master the corpus, but it's best to do both of you can. That said, anyone looking to really understand the methodology behind mindfulness and how it can be applied in a secular way to the suffering of the human condition, must read the aforementioned "Full Catastrophe Living". It's absolutely essential as the single book I would recommend to anyone for learning how to approach working with the present moment in ways that encourage insight and healing.

    This book "Wherever you go , there you are" is nice but it won't provide the depth of instruction for practice as used in the medical setting or the science behind the mechanisms that make mindfulness so effective for many people.
  • This book is fantastic. I wish everyone would read it. The chapters are short and you can just pick it up and read a chapter from the middle if you need a little something, and you'll have a fresh, happy brain. Or read it cover to cover and then read it again.

    I also got the audiobook and have been listening -- but I need a printed copy to refer back to. I am so glad I bought this. My friends are buying it, too!
  • At some point in your life, you may begin to wonder, "Will things always be this way?" - so rushed, with barely a moment to call your own, and current events that swirl around you often reflecting the worst side of humanity. So lost in to-do lists that you barely know where they stop and you start. Or have you thought, "Will I always be this way?" - maybe anxious or irritated, perhaps distracted, or beginning to feel isolated from those around you - even from your loved ones? This book explains that living each moment fully (and what that phrase means) can bring you back to yourself, and to a peaceful yet connected stillness that ultimately enriches your life. It describes the discipline and detached self observation (i.e., meditation) required to achieve it. I found this book to best read in small sections, and I plan to re-read many times. In retrospect, I would buy next in paper form (not ). It is filled with insightful and (if you let it) life-changing information.
  • You should probably read this if you are a human being in the 21st century. I was originally turned on to Mindfulness four years ago, but this book revived in me some of the peace of mind that I have lost over those years while helping me make new revelations about how to live mindfully in this hectic age. I recommend this book to anyone who has ever struggled with anxiety, panic, or self worth issues. This practice gives you the ability to examine your own thought process without getting looped into any of your usual negative hang-ups. I read it often, finish it sometimes, and read favorite passages whenever I get too world-weary and down on myself. It's a great resource to have around the house.
  • This is a great book. I have had probably 5 or 6 copies of this book over the years as it's one that I consistently give to other people. It is a perfect, easy to read, practical book that demonstrates the underlying principles of mindfulness in a very down to earth way. It was certainly one of many "gateway" books for me many years ago, and others have told me that they have had similar experiences.

    Truly one of my favorites and one that I recommend to many.
More aboutRead Tolkien Calendar 2020 J R R Tolkien 9780062959768 Books

PDF A Monster Like Me Wendy S Swore 9781629725550 Books

By Katelyn Bass

PDF A Monster Like Me Wendy S Swore 9781629725550 Books

Download As PDF : A Monster Like Me Wendy S Swore 9781629725550 Books

Download PDF A Monster Like Me Wendy S Swore 9781629725550 Books

“In the vein of R.J. Palacio’s Wonder, this debut allows readers to step inside Sophie’s thoughts and to understand and emphasize with her.” –Booklist, starred review

Sophie is a monster expert. Thanks to her Big Book of Monsters and her vivid imagination, Sophie can identify the monsters in her school and neighborhood. Clearly, the bullies are trolls and goblins. Her nice neighbor must be a good witch, and Sophie's new best friend is obviously a fairy. But what about Sophie? She’s convinced she is definitely a monster because of the monster mark on her face. At least that's what she calls it. The doctors call it a blood tumor. Sophie tries to hide it but it covers almost half her face. And if she’s a monster on the outside, then she must be a monster on the inside, too.

Being the new kid at school is hard. Being called a monster is even harder. Sophie knows that it’s only a matter of time before the other kids, the doctors, and even her mom figure it out. And then her mom will probably leave just like her dad did.

Because who would want to live with a real monster?

Inspired by real events in the author's life, A Monster Like Me teaches the importance of believing in oneself, accepting change, and the power of friendship.

PDF A Monster Like Me Wendy S Swore 9781629725550 Books

"This book will grab the young fantasy reader with an imaginative blend of realistic and fantasy fiction. The author has an intuition about how children think and she helps her readers play with fantastical ideas while she helps them think about real-life common emotional issues. A great book for any age as a read aloud or a personal novel."

Product details

  • Age Range 8 - 11 years
  • Grade Level 3 - 6
  • Hardcover 304 pages
  • Publisher Shadow Mountain (March 5, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1629725552

Read A Monster Like Me Wendy S Swore 9781629725550 Books

Tags : A Monster Like Me [Wendy S. Swore] on . <strong>“In the vein of R.J. Palacio’s Wonder, this debut allows readers to step inside Sophie’s thoughts and to understand and emphasize with her.” </strong>–Booklist,Wendy S. Swore,A Monster Like Me,Shadow Mountain,1629725552,Disfigured persons,Disfigured persons;Fiction.,Friendship,Friendship;Fiction.,Hemangiomas,Monsters,Mothers and daughters,Mothers and daughters;Fiction.,Self-acceptance,Tumors,Literature Fiction / General,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION / Health Daily Living / Diseases, Illnesses Injuries,JUVENILE FICTION / Legends, Myths, Fables / Greek Roman,JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Bullying,JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Emotions Feelings,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction/Family - Marriage Divorce,Juvenile Fiction/Imagination Play,Juvenile Fiction/Monsters,Juvenile Fiction/Social Themes - Bullying,Juvenile Fiction/Social Themes - Emotions Feelings,Juvenile Fiction/Social Themes - Self-Esteem Self-Reliance,Juvenile Grades 4-6 Ages 9-11,bullying; blood tumor; myths; empathy; disability; friendship; monsters; loneliness; single parent; facial deformity

A Monster Like Me Wendy S Swore 9781629725550 Books Reviews :

A Monster Like Me Wendy S Swore 9781629725550 Books Reviews

  • This book!! I honestly can't say enough positive things about it. The characters were developed so lovingly and are so realistic. They made their way into my heart, and, with Wendy Swore's magical story spinning, I felt what they felt. I giggled like a child. I cried like a broken-hearted woman and I feared like only a parent can. There are multiple life lessons tucked into these pages that, together, build a truly enjoyable and memorable message of kindness and awareness. This book got promoted to the top of the list of books to read to my children... more than once. I want them to remember this one.
  • Wendy creates a world of monsters that is interesting and based heavily in mythology. I don’t think most children would be frightened by this (I am en educator and developmental psychologist). She leaves the reader wondering until the climax whether or not the monster world is the true setting for this novel. I think this is a powerful way in which to demonstrate how children cope with stressful situations. Bravo!
  • Great book about Sophie, a young girl who believes she's a monster because of a large hemangioma (bright red birthmark) on her face, and she's obsessed with monsters! She even carries around her Big Book of Monsters wherever she goes. It is a story of Sophie's wonderful imagination, bullying, building of friendship, mythology, and acceptance. Loved the book, and I've given copies to two grandchildren!
  • This is definitely not the type of book I usually read but it was recommended to me by a friend in a Military Fiction group. I had to force myself to set it aside in order to get some sleep at night. I found the author's description of people in settings to be extremely vivid. I will quite likely reread this story in a few weeks. It seems like the kind of book that will be even more enjoyable on a second read-through.
  • A Monster Like Me is a great story for any child. It explores the fear of being different and mixes it with an imaginative storyline that will appeal to kids of many ages. This book will inspire those who identify with the subject and motivate empathy and compassion in others.
  • Love this book so much! The author did an amazing job of pulling us into Sophia's story. I have read this to my children and they equally loved it. Such good writing and a great message for all. Will look to find more books by this author.
  • This book will grab the young fantasy reader with an imaginative blend of realistic and fantasy fiction. The author has an intuition about how children think and she helps her readers play with fantastical ideas while she helps them think about real-life common emotional issues. A great book for any age as a read aloud or a personal novel.
  • Our family loved this book! It is rare that I can find a book that I enjoy reading to my kids as much as they enjoy hearing it. My 9 and 13 year old boys loved the fantastical creatures in the book. I loved the touching story of friendship and self acceptance. Just a great feel good read that was fun and intriguing.
More aboutPDF A Monster Like Me Wendy S Swore 9781629725550 Books