Ebook The Gentle Discipline Book How to raise cooperative polite and helpful children Audible Audio Edition Sarah OckwellSmith Katy Sobey Hachette Audio UK Books

By Katelyn Bass on Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Ebook The Gentle Discipline Book How to raise cooperative polite and helpful children Audible Audio Edition Sarah OckwellSmith Katy Sobey Hachette Audio UK Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 7 hours and 32 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Hachette Audio UK
  • Audible.com Release Date March 2, 2017
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English, English
  • ASIN B01N038OVF

The Gentle Discipline Book How to raise cooperative polite and helpful children Audible Audio Edition Sarah OckwellSmith Katy Sobey Hachette Audio UK Books Reviews

  • I think I’ve read them all. The peaceful parent. The mindful parent. The connected parent etc... this was my favorite out of all of them. The author gives really great examples of different behaviors and how you can go about them. This is not a book to read if you just want your kids to obey but this is a book if you want to have a real relationship with your kids. There is also a chapter on self care and working on your own past issues. I believe this book has it all. Along with “5 love languages of children” this is all my parenting library needs.
  • Sarah Ockwell-Smith's book is excellent as it provides not only information concerning why it is necessary to be gentle in disciplining children but demonstrates practical techniques to accomplish this task. She cited Banduras studies on role modelling that is the most important task as a parent and is not easy for those who were not parented well or maltreated as children. This is especially important in discussing the dangers of using corporal punishment. She has a chapter about school discipline which is timely as it is still legal in 19 US states to use corporal punishment, usually paddling on school children, with disastrous results overrepresented in punishing disabled, autistic or minority children. Congress over the last few years has rejected several bills to make this illegal and is currently rejecting a similar bill. I can vouch for the authors skill in advocating for gentle discipline without physical punishment. I have 32 years in this field of child protection and have written articles and a book on the subject. Her book richly deserves 5 stars.
  • Simple read. If only every parent would connect and raise their child with gentle discipline!! Children’s needs would be met and the world would be a better place.
  • One of the most life changing books I've ever read.
  • Enjoyed reading this book and learning about the Gentle Discipline method. Part of the way into the book we began using some of the techniques with our three year old son and immediately saw benefits. I didn't find all of the proposed techniques as useful or practical (namely, the techniques in either the violence prevention chapter or the parental anger chapter). In addition, I found some of the author's positions on the value of homework to be wildly different from my own experiences growing up. Nevertheless, reading the book on the whole altered our approach to dealing with a misbehaving toddler. My wife and I are glad we read it and will be recommending it to other parents.
  • This book offered nothing of use. Your child is crying for your attention-guess what, they need your attention! Your child gets 1 hour of screen time per day and goes over, take time away the next day to make up for it! For lack of a better word, duh! I could not connect with the author at any point in time reading this book and I have read many child development/discipline books over the years. She also claims to have the answers for how to handle large groups of school children, albeit she has absolutely no experience being in the public education sector. This book is complete and utter garbage, but I try to keep as much out of the landfill as possible, so I returned it.
  • Sarah Ockwell-Smith is a gift to parents, grandparents and all who need to learn more of how to have a positive effect on our children as they grow and face the workings of the social landscape and world!
  • I highly reccomend this book! I am a behavior specialist, therapist, and most importantly a mom to 3 energetic kids. I have used the information I learned from this book to enhance both my parenting and professional skills.