Download PDF Swing Blink eBook Kwame Alexander Mary Rand Hess

By Katelyn Bass on Saturday, June 1, 2019

Download PDF Swing Blink eBook Kwame Alexander Mary Rand Hess

Product details

  • File Size 25633 KB
  • Print Length 450 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
  • Publisher Blink (October 2, 2018)
  • Publication Date October 2, 2018
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Swing Blink eBook Kwame Alexander Mary Rand Hess Reviews

  • In another amazing collaboration from Kwame Alexander and Mary Rand Hess, we follow Noah and his best friend, Walt through the ups and downs of high school life. Noah and Walt are NOT on the school baseball team, but Walt hits the batting cages with fierce commitment and passion, channeling his love of jazz to help him find his SWING. Noah is a faithful friend and follower, while working on his own passions, especially his love for Sam, a beautiful BFF he’s known since “forever” ago. Sam has a boyfriend, though—none other than the buff baseball star of the team, Cruz.

    When Noah finds a birthday gift for his mom at a local thrift store, he also finds his courage in the box — the words of old love letters that were left inside. Noah copies the words for his love, longing to live the life that Cruz now has. When Walt delivers one of the letters to Sam, however, the three friends’ relationships start to change.

    Meanwhile, the neighborhood is dealing with bigger issues — there’s life and love, and then there’s allegiance and angst. Patriotic duty vs. empathetic obligation towards our fellow man. Kwame and Mary SWING the readers thinking around, fluctuating with hard-hitting emotion that leaves one breathless, wondering about our own lives in the midst of all that is good and evil. Our own little lives — up against the global society.

    What I loved about Swing I loved ALL the characters in Swing, right down to the grandma who is supposed to be keeping an eye on Noah while his parents are away, and Floyd, Walt’s “love doctor” cousin. Swing will remind adults of their high school days, and help current students find ways to deal with their feelings, all while helping us think about our place on this earth.

    Why you should read Swing You will laugh with, and long for, the characters. You’ll reminisce, and maybe even renew your friendships from high school. You’ll cry. You’ll think. You’ll want to be a better person after reading Swing.
  • This review was actually a pretty tough decision. Swing is another well-crafted novel by the much-acclaimed and beloved author, Kwame Alexander.

    I had the opportunity to hear him speak/read a few years ago, so I think I’m automatically biased now that Alexander’s work is always fantastic.

    Everything about swing is interesting and unique. I freaking love quirky Walt or “Swing”...he’s a focused, lovable dweeb who’s also a dedicated friend and you want to slap him silly and hug him at the same time.

    Noah is also lovable and his plight of unrequited love hits close to home with almost any YA reader.

    I’m still so torn, though. I’m confused by the abrupt ending. I get that life often deals us blows that destroy us out of nowhere, but I also don’t get it.

  • I fell in love with the lyrical, poetic writing style of this dynamic duo, Kwame Alexander and Mary Rand Hess, in Solo...

    And Swing did NOT disappoint! In fact, I think the authors raised their awesome bar to a whole new awesome level!

    Swing follows the journey of best friends Walt and Noah from Noah's viewpoint. Their mission? Find their cool! Who among us hasn't tried to find their cool? I know I have! One of my favorite features was getting to see and study the artwork that Noah creates! Those details really pulled me into the story in a way that so few stories have. I also loved the jazz references. Whether you're a jazz novice or the Chairman of the Board to seventeen different jazz clubs, readers will find these references to be fun, inspiring, and profound! Walt and Noah's hilarious, awkward, and vulnerable moments will result in a ripple effect, encouraging all who read their journey to embrace a "hug life" philosophy!

    The underlying message of Swing tackles some of the most painful social issues of the day. Race, prejudice, and division build until...until the reader closes the back cover with tears in their eyes. Swing took a painful subject and gave it a face and a name, hopes and dreams. And how can anyone not break when that is shattered? If only we could look at everyone like that...

    Four Stars ~ Swing's powerfully poetic narrative will tug on heartstrings and hopefully inspire conversations. Swing is general-market fiction, but there are powerful faith/God messages mixed into the story. Swing is (to my knowledge) a standalone novel, but if Kwame Alexander and Mary Rand Hess write another book, I'll read it. Period.

    Disclaimer ~ In accordance with FTC regulations, I was offered a eBook copy of this book from the author/publisher. I also purchased my own hardback copy from . I was not compensated, nor was a positive review required. All opinions expressed are my own.
  • Noah, Walt and Sam (Samantha) have been best friends since elementary school, but ever since they got to high school, Noah hasn't been able to figure out how to tell Sam that he really likes her. No matter how much Walt (aka Swing) encourages him to take a chance, Noah struggles to express his feelings for Sam. Inspired by love letters he finds in a thrift store, Noah finally starts to put his feelings onto paper using both art and poetry. While I related to Noah, I was utterly charmed by Swing's humor and optimism. Readers will want to talk when they reach the end--be there for them, as they find their voice about the larger issues impacting our society.
  • Kwame Alexander and Mary Rand Hess have done it again! He’s gotten into the mind of today’s teens and written a beautiful, real story, complete with friendship, love, struggle, and heartbreak. He’s hit on some of society’s darkest issues and given us light and comfort, too.

    Swing is superb. Swing is enchanting. Swing will leave you bewildered and ready for the good fight.

  • Noah is trying to live his life, but he is not really living until he starts listening to his art, jazz, and his heart. Good story about growing up and seeing what life is really about.